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Hello World!

A hello post all about me.

Hello World! I’m Collin Pendleton, a Devops and Infrastructure Engineer from La Crosse WI. I enjoy homelabbing, software development, learning new programming languages, reading nerdy books, biking, video games, craft beer, and craft coffee.

I’m starting up this blog for many of the same reasons everyone starts writing a blog. To provide the internet with information, to provide entertainment, save my own bacon by documenting my processes, and perhaps to save someone’s job who needs to implement the same infrastructure that I already have (just please don’t do it on a Friday.)

Which brings me to the what, this blog is focused around the projects that I implement. It’s a place for me to not only prove to the world that I am capable of my job, but also to document the processes that I implement so I can reference them later. I’ll write documents on the processes I build for automation. These can include packer/terraform guides, CI/CD pipeline implementations, the challenges of automating across multiple unconnected networks, automated network provisioning, and numerous other topics I have yet to determine. In addition to all that I’m likely to write out some articles on the software development projects I pursue in my free time and the topics I learn from that. Finally, Homelabbing and self hosting are in my blood. I’d be remiss if I didn’t discuss that. Docker will be a regular occurrence in this blog.

That’s all for now! Stay tuned for an article on the process I built for a pipeline of Terraform and Packer server deployments.

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